Let’s start with the obligatory: Welcome to this website
I’m Leon Buijs an enthusiastic hobby photographer from The Netherlands.
Next to my busy job as a functional application manager I try to get out, with my camera, as much as possible. My main interests in photography are zoo- and wildlife photography as well as landscape and macro. But I also love to venture out in other areas like Urbex and I recently bought my first studio set.
This website is not meant to be a portfolio. Where most photographers only want to share their best work and have maybe 10 to 20 images on their website, I want to share the beauty of the world around us, whether this be in The Netherlands, Africa or anywhere else in this world. Also for me photography is not my work, it is a hobby (that has gotten a bit out of hand) that I love.
I hope you enjoy your visit and the photos on this website. If you love one (or more) of the images on this website so much that you want to hang it on your wall (instead of your bog-standard IKEA print) or use it in any other way, please contact me via the contact form on this website.
Links: (no affiliates)
Living in The Netherlands/Belgium and looking for a fun way to develop your photography and/or want to travel with fellow photographers to some amazing places, check out FotoClass.nl
Want to develop your photography or just share an image every day, the 365 project is a great community to share your images and interact with other photographers all around the word 365Project.org 365Project.org/leonbuys83